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What is the Difference Between Medicare Supplement F, G, and N

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doctor going over information with a patientToday we are going to look at the differences between the most commonly used Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans F, G and N.

There is a lot of confusion about Medicare Supplemental Insurance F, G and N options, also called Medigap Insurance. The Hyers and Associates team members work with these plans every day. Some policies provide better value over the long run – so it’s crucial to understand the nuances of each.

Understanding the Basics of Medicare Plans F, G and N

Medicare Supplemental Insurance, also called Medigap insurance, will pay out of pocket expenses remaining after Original Medicare (Parts A & B) have paid their portion of your healthcare claim. If you are a Medicare Advantage member you do not need, nor can you have, a supplemental plan.

When initially signing up for Original Medicare, insurance companies must accept your request for insurance, regardless of pre-existing conditions. If you do not obtain a Medigap policy when you are signing up initially for Original Medicare you can later be denied. After your initial sign-up, insurance companies may require medical underwriting for pre-existing conditions. This means you can be turned down.

Medigap plans that are sold under the same letter designation are required to provide the exact same specific and identical benefits. The policies are sold by various private insurance companies that may charge different rates, but the coverage is identical. Let’s take a look at what’s similar and different between these three most commonly purchased plans.

Medicare Supplement Plan F

Medigap Plan F provides more comprehensive coverage than any other Medicare Supplemental Plan. This tends to make it more expensive than other plans, however, check with various insurance companies before assuming that. There is also a high deductible Plan F that has a higher out of pocket amount before coverage kicks in.

With high deductible Plan F you’ll pay all out of pocket Original Medicare costs until you reach a designated amount ($2300 in 2019) before your policy coverage kicks in. The advantage of choosing a high deductible plan is lower monthly premiums than the regular Plan F.

Plan F benefits include the following:

    • Medicare Part A deductible
    • Medicare Part B deductible
    • Medicare Part A coinsurance and hospital costs
    • Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayment
    • Medicare Part B excess charges
    • Medicare Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
    • First three pints of blood
  • Foreign travel emergency coverage (per the plan limits)

Plan F usually provides the most help with Original Medicare costs, especially if you see a doctor frequently.

Medicare Supplement Plan G

Medigap Plans G and F cover all the same benefits with the exception of Medicare Part B deductible ($185 out of pocket in 2019). Medigap Plan G and F are the only plans to cover Medicare Part B excess charges caused by non-participating Medicare providers. Non-participating providers are allowed to charge up to 15% more than what Medicare normally permits, which you are responsible for paying.

Medicare Supplement Plan N

Medigap Plan N is identical to Plan F, with the exception of for paying these out of pocket expenses:

    • Medicare Part B deductible (just like Plan G)
  • Medicare Part B excess charges (different than G & F)

The other difference with Plan N is copayments. Routine office visits (up to $20 copay), and emergency room visits (up to $50) if you’re not admitted as an inpatient to the hospital are required.

Give Us a Call For More Information

If you have any questions regarding Medigap F, G and N policies the team at Hyers and Associates is here to help. We work with a wide range of insurance companies and can help you sort through various options available.

We can also help you find a Medicare Part D prescription provider. Insurance is what we do every day, so let us help you find the best decision that fits you. Contact us today with your questions. 

Category: Medicare Supplements, Uncategorized