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Assured Life Medicare Supplements in Ohio and Arizona

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It is quite common for new carriers to enter the Medicare supplement marketplace every year. One of the newest entrants is Assured Life.  These plans are underwritten by Mutual of Omaha. The monthly premiums are very competitive in the states where they currently offer coverage.  Arizona and Ohio residents over age 65 will find their rates to be very competitive for new and existing coverage.

Assured Life Medicare Supplement Plans and Premiums

Supplemental plans offered by Assured Life include A, B, C, D, F, and G.  Plan F is the most comprehensive coverage offered, but popular alternative includes Plans D and G as they are slightly less expensive on a monthly basis. You can pay your premiums by monthly bank draft or by check either quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

This is an attained age supplemental plan.  That means that your rates will increase each year as you grow older. Multi-insured discounts are not offered to couples who apply together, but you will still find their rates to be more affordable than most others that do offer such savings.

Guaranteed Issue and Medicare Supplement Underwriting

Underwriting for this new supplemental plan is reasonable as is the case with most Medicare plans. If you are applying during a period of guaranteed issue, then you will not have to answer any health related questions. If you are shopping for better rates on your existing coverage, then there will only be a handful of questions you need to answer. A doctor’s physical is not required for acceptance into any plan.

We are an independent agency offering plans direct from Assured Life/Woodmen of the World.  If you are interested in a personal Medicare insurance quote, please contact us today.

Category: Medicare Supplements