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Affordable Health Insurance Coverage

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The most common question I am asked as an insurance broker is: “Who has the most affordable insurance plans?” My stock answer is: What benefits are you looking for? To which the customer might reply: “I want the best benefits I can purchase at the most affordable price.”

We live in a county where consumers want the best, but do not want to overpay unnecessarily for products or services. Fortunately, in the health insurance market there is ample competition among the insurers. With the recent introduction of health savings accounts, insurance premiums have decreased even more.

Health Insurance Benefits Determine Price

The benefits that you select, presumably the ones most important to you and your family, will determine the cost. Some consumers want a dental and vision plan, others want a maternity benefit and still others are looking for prescription drug coverage. With such a wide array of choices, it can be difficult to sift through the health insurance plans on your own.

In order to make this process easier, we have direct health insurance links on our site for consumers. Those looking to purchase health insurance in should find the process a little less intimidating. We will be happy to email you brochures from the various insurance providers and discuss a plan tailored to your needs and budget.

Our Health Insurance Providers

Not all plans are created equal, so if there is one benefit that it is very important to you, we can point you in the right direction. In addition, you can use our links to Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Assurant Life, Golden Rule, Humana, Medical Mutual and United Healthcare to research on your own.

The insurance industry is changing rapidly as the days of the door to door broker slowly fade away. The popularity tablets, laptops, and smart phones make it easier and quicker than ever for you and your family to obtain quality comprehensive health insurance coverage. Contact us today!

Category: Health Insurance, Health Savings Accounts