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How Life Insurance Helps You Achieve New Year Resolutions

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how life insuranceThe New Year rings in with celebration and hope for a brighter year. Promises and resolutions fly like confetti after the infamous Times Square ball drop. But, as the sweeping of the streets commences the next day, so does the usual routine of our lives. And resolutions tend to get lost.

What if we told you that with one simple action you check several resolutions off your New Year hopefuls — and, that the change lasts all year? Even a lifetime? The answer? Life insurance.

Likely, buying life insurance has been on your mind and to-do list for some time. Unfortunately, it often gets pushed to the bottom of your tasks by seemingly more urgent issues. Let us suggest a few additional motivations to check buying life insurance off your list in the New Year.

Set Realistic Resolutions

One of the best tips for following through on New Year resolutions remains to set realistic goals. Challenging yourself is one thing, but setting objectives in the clouds produces defeat. Resolutions need to be SMART with the “A” standing for achievable. These types of goals look at how you will accomplish the goal and the realistic constraints on doing so.

Plus, choosing significant, meaningful actions also increases the odds of completion. Good resolutions which lack personal meaning fail before the ball drops. For instance, traveling to see the world proves a popular resolution. However, if you enjoy the comforts of home or live on a tight budget, this goal proves unrealistic for you.

Buying life insurance is a realistic resolution. A licensed insurance agent helps you find the policy which meets your needs and your budget. An appointment or two, and you are done.

Accomplishes the Incomplete

The weight of undone tasks grows as time marches forward. Just consider the resolutions of last year that still hang over your head. Tackling these incomplete to-do’s brings an extra sense of relief, a victory in the face of what was once a defeat. Why not take one or two of them on as New Year resolutions and check them off permanently?

Often when we think of life insurance, we muse, “I need to take care of that.” Unfortunately, this conviction arises during times of illness or tragedy. When these times of ill-health or age set in, premiums rise higher. Buying insurance early and when you are in good health increases your options. However, a qualified agent helps when your situation proves otherwise.

Boosts Your Health and Fitness

Many of us spout health and fitness as a New Year goal. We want to look better and feel better. And, these objectives come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Perhaps you choose to lose weight or gain strength; eat healthier or quit smoking. Google data from 2017 ranks getting healthy as the top New Year resolution.

This news comes as no surprise when we look to the promotion of fitness apparel, equipment, and gyms. Life insurance offers its form of promotion as premiums strongly tie into to your health. During underwriting, a medical exam reveals your stats on weight, blood pressure, cholesterol as well as conditions and habits which impact wellness — good motivation to get healthy.

Reduces Your Stress

Much of our stress and worry relates to family and the unknown. We wonder what happens to our family when difficult circumstances occur. We question the financial provision of our bank accounts and investments to cover our family’s expenses. A bit of planning and investing in the future removes some of the stress related to both.

Buying life insurance allows you to take action today on what happens tomorrow. And, your stress response can take a break. Life insurance financially provides for your loved ones in your absence. While being present is the preferred option, this insurance allows you to be more fully present and not worry about the other.

Shows Loved Ones You Care

A common bit of advice hails from those losing loved ones — tell your family and friends what they mean to you before it’s too late. This reminder offers a valuable New Year resolution. Why not determine this to be the year that you show more love to those you care about? We cannot think of a more noble choice.

To take it even further, what about saying “I love you” in the unfortunate event that you are not there to express it directly? Life insurance tells your family that you care about them. In fact, this one simple action lets them know that you love them enough to plan for their future. You are not protecting your estate alone; you are providing for those you love. Ready to set those New Year resolutions?

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

Category: Life Insurance