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Five Facts to Know Before Buying Short Term Insurance Coverage

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Short Term Insurance CoverageShort-term health insurance is a kind of medical insurance with coverage that is applicable for a specified period only. Also, it covers fewer illnesses compared to what long-term insurance policies do. However, it has a much lesser monthly premium cost compared to ACA (Obamacare) or any employer-based insurance plans. Short-term health insurance is a kind of coverage that many millennials prefer over long-term insurance plans. But what exactly are the things that you should know before buying short-term insurance coverage?

It is Not for Everybody

Short-term health insurance plans are ideal for specific people, but not everyone. The reason it is less costly is that you are covered for a brief period only, and the illnesses and conditions covered in your plan are also limited. Is this good or bad? Well, it depends on your condition. Short-term insurance is ideal for individuals who are getting off their long-term plans temporarily. Examples are:

  • Children turning into adults and thus will be taken off as their parents’ dependents
  • Individuals switching jobs
  • Those who missed the open enrollment season for their long-term insurance
  • Individuals who are in college or those in the process of looking for a permanent position
  • Dependents who lost long-term insurance overage after a divorce

It Significantly Varies from Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Short term insurance has significant differences from Obamacare insurance policies in that it has lesser coverage than ACA. However, this can work to your advantage because short-term insurance is flexible. For example, short-term insurance does not cover pregnancy. ACA, however, charges you money for pregnancy coverage, even if you are a male.

Preventive care is also limited to short-term insurance, and not all companies offer it, as opposed to ACA, where preventive care is one of the ten requirements. Also, not all short-term insurance companies cover the cost of RX drugs (prescription) while these are mandatory in ACA plans.

You Only Pay It for When You Need It

This is why short-term insurance is also called travel insurance. You typically pay for insurance that covers a specific period. After this, the coverage is gone. Short term insurance plans are very affordable and are usually paid on a monthly basis. The average cost is about $30 per month. If you want to save more, you can choose from a wide array of offerings such as reducing the plan’s benefits, choosing a higher deductible, or paying your total premium up front to get a significant discount.

It Has Copay and Coinsurance Options

Both of these apply to short term and long term insurance plans. A copay, simply put, means that you and the insurance company share the amount of the services you availed. The split between you and your short-term insurance company will vary per plan. Let us say that you paid your doctor a visit, and the cost is $100, you may need to shell out $35, and the insurance company will pay for the rest.

In coinsurance, you pay a certain percentage of the medical expenses after you have met your deductibles. If your coinsurance is 30%, this means that you will pay $30 for every $100 of the total medical bill (after the deductible is met) and the rest will be shouldered by the insurance company.

You Cannot Always be Approved to Enroll

Many short-term health insurance companies will deny the application of individuals who have pre-existing conditions. This is not so bad considering that these companies are taking a considerable risk in insuring somebody who has an existing health condition. Remember, insurance is a business. Companies take the risk of paying a significant chunk of your medical expenses in exchange for a fraction of that amount, which is pretty much your premium.

If you need interim insurance coverage, we can help you find the right policy for your unique needs. Contact us to learn more about short-term insurance and other possible alternatives.

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Category: Health Insurance