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Aetna Health Insurance Quotes & Coverage

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Aetna is a leading carrier in the group health insurance marketplace, but more recently expanded into the individual and family markets. They offer a wide array of plans including traditional coverage, first dollar PPO plans, high deductible health savings accounts and hospital care only policies. Dental insurance can be added to any individual or family plan.

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Aetna Health Insurance Benefit Options

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  • Preventive Care Options
  • Health Savings Accounts
  • Nationwide Networks
  • Add-On Dental Coverage
  • Gold, Silver & Bronze Plans

All plans offer preventive care benefits that are not subject to the deductible. The copay for preventive care will vary depending on the plan selected. Coverage includes annual OBGYN exams, well child care, and physical exams every two years.

All policies offer prescription drug coverage with a small pharmacy specific deductible.  Generic, preferred, non-preferred, and oral contraceptives are included. Additionally a dental insurance rider can be added to all polices. By law, all plans cover maternity related expenses.

Out of Pocket Expenses

The lifetime maximum is five million dollars per insured. The out of pocket maximum will vary depending on the plan selected.  The insured will be responsible for the deductible and co-insurance with traditional plans, only the co-insurance with first dollar PPO plans, or a set deductible for a health savings account qualified plan.

Competitive Niche

Typically, Aetna coverage is competitive for singles in most age groups as well as some families.  Single females will find their plans to be priced very competitively. The network is extensive and covers a large portion of the nation. If the insured moves, he or she will most likely be able to take their policy with them to the new service area.

In summary, consumer have many choices when it comes to purchasing health insurance.  Aetna offers competitive plans with attractive first dollar benefits and an extensive nationwide network of doctors and hospitals.

Category: Health Insurance

Last updated on September 5th, 2017